How my blog experiment helped me and why!

Photo by: Kevin King(Chandana Perera) on Pixabay

“Failure is always an option” —  Adam Savage

Blogging is always a part of experimenting with what people will read and do.  I really don’t say that lightly because no one can ever truly know what will happen when you blog about a topic or come up with blog titles for your blog.  You could have the most boring blog but have the most readers because it has so many people who think like you.   I find that to be mostly true, the blogging niche is something that has always fascinated me when it comes to readers.   Who your readers are can be some of the best supporters of your blog or the worst depending on the niche.

The niche of things

What’s a niche, you might be asking?  A niche is according the the Cambridge dictionary is “an area or position that is exactly suitable for a small group of the same type:“.  What does that mean might be different to some but mostly it is a group of people who think or has the same kind of thoughts about a subject or idea.   For instance, I like security or even talking about Windows so I have people who like to read about that or maybe you are a technician who might need to know how to problem solve a situation.  Each of these people has a niche in a particular area and maybe even like to read what I have to say from time to time.  Understanding the niche is something that comes with experience and time.   It can’t really be seen but it can be used to grown your blogging experience.

Blogging helps me!

I can say since I started this experiment, it seems to have grown my readers base.    I also have found the blogging alone has helped me to research and understand what is required to do an essay.  While I am in school the teachers seems to want to make the students write essays as much as possible.   It has been a great help to me to have been blogging for so long that I understand how essays are being used to get students to research their area of expertise.  I think that it gives students a chance to make sure they are going in the right direction and that they will want to do the jobs when they are done with the education.  It’s been a great education experience for me since I haven’t been to college for 20+ years.   It has definitely changed over the years and I am sure that even now it will change in the future.

Water flows in many Directions

I can’t say that it isn’t something that not everyone will understand.   Blogging is like water, it will flow through people or around people who have little interest in the topic at hand.  I’ve learned a lot about my readers and who my readers are just by doing this little experiment.  I know what people like to read or even why they might like to read the posts I do.  I intend to keep this up in the future to help draw more people to my blog.   I am hopeful that it helps me to create even more  connections with my readers. I hope this blog has done you some good.  I am sure this will be an interesting year for everyone due to what happened last year.

What would you like me to talk about?  Maybe you have something you want me to talk about or maybe you have a question.  Why leave a comment or send me a message on twitter at @laforge129.



Brainstorming and Blogging!

Image by ultrakml via Flickr

There’s a storm in that brain!

Whenever I want to write a post, I often am caught pondering what to write about and what my readers may or may not want to read about. I know sometimes it can be hard to sit down and write that blog post, but you never really know how well it will be received until it is posted. That is the one that will always be unique to each and every blog. I’ve always had a problem with managing my time but that might change also. I’ve started to day dream and also brain storm about what some good posts you might want to read about and I will discuss how I do it.

Sit back and Relax!

Something that you may never of tried is to just relax. Nothing in the world is that big that you really can’t just sit back and relax for a few minutes to a few hours. That is where people will often times go wrong, they think if they aren’t doing anything that you will not get their work done whether it be personal or job related. So I am going to give you a few tips on how you can also relax and maybe let those creative juices flow:

  • Take a Soothing bath and just sit there.
  • Listen to your favorite music in bed
  • Take a long walk in the woods
  • Being exhausted doesn’t help so Get some Sleep.
There are many reasons why you want to brainstorm. You however have to be well rested and relax to be able to do it just right. That is what encourages you to brainstorm and get as many ideas as possible.

Writing for writing sake, is that doable?

Photo by: StockSnap on Pixabay

Blogging for Fun

I love to teach. I am not sure if that is related to blogging but I have found the last few weeks while at school, I think that is where blogging has been my way to teach in my own way.   I am currently blogging in my english comp classes.   I don’t know why but I think my creative juices are better when I am allow myself to write this really informative and great essays for my classmates.   That’s one thing that I’ve recently started to do in my college board.   They have this board where you can discuss anything and everything you want.   I’ve been blogging/discussing the tips and tricks to almost everything under the sun from writing a good essay outline to the fundamentals of writing an essay.

My Blog

Lately as you can tell, I’ve dragged over my essays and such to this blog because I wanted to share with you what I’ve learned or talked about.   I really do love to share my knowledge and maybe show people that they can do the things like I am doing.   You just have to step out of your comfort zone.   I love to write and it just seems to be getting better and better with every time I blog.  Lately I’ve seen how my blog has become more useful for others and even me.   I’ve wrote some really good information about the IATA Travel Pass.  There have been post in that are quite long but I think are really needed in the way they are using the app.   I started putting what I wrote in my academic area onto my blog to see what people think.  I started this almost 2 months ago, kept adding more and more each day every other day.

Education is Good

Not even me expected to love the academic of college life.   I must say this has been a real pleasure to blog about this stuff and see what types of responses I get.   I am sure I’ve lost people or I have gained people.   I don’t know who is reading my blog or even saying much at all.   I think that’s where it can be hard as a blogger to see the impact of your blog on your readers.   It can be very difficult to know if people are coming back or if they are just searching for one thing and leaving.  I am really curious as to know what people think or are they coming back to my blog.

Comments welcomed

I am curious to hear what people think about me posting my essays or my discussion on my blog.   I have even more discussions I can share with you and others if people are really curious to see what teachers are trying to teach in this day and age.   Why not leave a comment and tell me what you think?  Do you like it or hate it?  Do you want more or want more meat?   As a writer I want to know what my readers are thinking and also what they want more of.   So please leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Why self isolation will change your life and your job!

Photo by Edward Jenner from Pexels

Jobs are at a Stand still

If you haven’t been paying attention with the current state of the Corona Virus pandemic than you really should.   Most Americans have been off their jobs and the unemployment is the highest it has been in centuries.   I say that with great trepidation because my thoughts are on the economics of this this and when is it too much to force Americans to stay home?   We can ask that question from the individual personal views but we should also ask that from the population?   When do we consider the ramifications of the whole situation?   Most Americans aren’t making that much money from work and surviving from paycheck to paycheck.   This is the problem with the current situation when people can’t really afford to be off work for such a long time and not making the money they are used to be making from work.   Unemployment probably isn’t paying anywhere the amount most people actually get from working.

Work from home is on the rise

Ever since the self isolation and keeping people home companies have instituted working from home.   The goal of this was to keep people working and for the company to still make money.   We have seen a lot of people working at home more and that is where it will probably change.  The question that I am thinking is will the work?  Will they keep this up when we get back to work?  Will the companies allow people to work more from home?  I can only suspect that companies will do this as a greater experiment and try to see what will work and what will not.   We also have to consider just how well this will work and what will happen to our economy when all this is over with.   Will we be bouncing back or will we have even more jobs open up due to the current pandemic?

Your job will change!

The truth of the matter is that most Americans will have a job change in the coming weeks to probably months.   A lot of companies will want to change people titles or even shut down all the way.  I’ve already started seeing companies such as Lone Star Restaurant declaring bankruptcy due to not being able to serve their customers.  I’ve watched how companies have already started to implement this into their own situations and I am sure we will see even more companies shut down permanently and I am sure we will see an explosion people out of work.  This is my real fear right now that the we are being forced to go into a recession due to this pandemic.   I am sure it’s a really fear for most Americans and other nations also.   We will all see this change coming in the coming months and maybe even next year.   People’s lives will change in one way or another.  Wee will not be back to the normalcy we are used to for quite some time.

Economics is strange!

With all that is going on we will see the economic atmosphere change in the many aspects from our personal lives to how we interact with other individual.   We will see it change in how we will deal with our family members and our love lives.   In every way we will see this pandemic change our lives and how we will end up in the new normal.   We will see this for years to come and even then the new normal will be hard for most people.   It will not be the same and we must accept that fact and move forward and try to make it the best we can.


I’m Back! It’s Been a while!

The Ruins
The Ruins of Talisay, Negros Occidental, (Copyright by me) All Rights are mine!

8 Years!

It’s been such a long time since I started this blog in 2006 or so. I can’t even remember when I did this! Well Let’s start off by talking about what I have been doing since I ended this blog in 2012. I started my business and traveled half away around the world! That part is special to me, but I am not done with this journey. I decided to start blogging again for reasons that are mine! I am going to go back to the basics with this blog.

Back to Basics!

I’ve decided to go back to basics and blog about stuff that are common problems in Windows and Linux systems. I am currently just going to build my blog from what I know. It should be interesting and challenging all in one. This will be the best blog ever! I intend to find content and introduce my own content later on! I just need to start blogging. I will be working on other things in my life. My love life, my house life, and traveling . So you will get a unique perspective of my life. It should be interesting and challenging to say the least.

My old blog posts!

I don’t know if I kept my old blog post backed up but if I find them, I’ll be uploading them into this server sometime in the coming weeks! You can find some of it at, It will become more and more personalized in the coming weeks and month but I am going to put more time into this than I can to build my audience and readers. So until then keep coming back and telling your friends that I am back!