Doctor Who: Clara Oswin Oswald Character Arch Begins!

Clara Oswin Oswald

Who is the Clara Oswald (Jenna-Louise Coleman) is a character the doctor met in Asylum of the Daleks.  If you know this series then you will remember the Doctor and River Song (A Good man Goes to war!).  I think I did a pretty good prediction on the remaining season of Doctor Who for 2013 (Season 7).  I know I missed some of this and really when I looked into this series during the interlude of season.

We see her die twice!

The first time we see her die is Asylum of the Daleks, and then the Snowmen (Christmas Special).  Everything tells me this girl has a reason to have her keep on coming back to life and the doctor finding her in The Bells of Saint John.  Which is also in Season 7 and you can see she has a major part of this season and I she will be on Season 8 and Season 9 from what I can tell.

I hope we don’t see something like River Song or Amy Pond’s Character arch’s but I am sure she will be an important part of the series.   I can’t wait to see what else she does with the Doctor and what she has to bring into the Life of the Doctor.

Paul Sylvester