Figuring out the Hole for The USB Cricket Card? UM100C

So you bought and you see:

External Antenna

You probably wondering what that can be used for? Here’s what I know and from what I found out. That little can be used as an external Antenna. You could also use this to boost your signal and be able to use this for places that might not be getting a better speed upward and downward bandwidth. You see it all depends on where the Cell Towers are. Although this will likely help those who are either 1 to Almost Zero signal, it will not help those who are outside of the network. It might help and it might not, it depends on the location your at and the closest coverage area. If your on the edge of the coverage area and you buy this antenna it Should boost your signal and get you a better speed. I will not say it will help but in theory it could help. If you want to find out the other post that I have done on this subject please check my Cricket tag for more information.  Although it varies on person to person, and region to region this is going to be a variable that will always remain in the grey.   Only way to find out is to try it.

Spying on Spyware.ISpynow!!

[ad#digg-right]This is another Virus that is going around and thought I’d tell you about it:

Spyware.ISpyNow monitors files, network traffic, and keystrokes. This Spyware gives the person who installed it a Web-based interface with summaries of logged information on the host computer.

[Via Symantec]

[ad#ad2-left]Now this one isn’t to hard to figure out what happened.  You have to manually install it on your system to get infected.  Symantec has a great way on uninstalling this annoyance.  I also suggest checking out my other program list just in case you don’t want to buy Symantec Anti-Virus programs.  Some other things to check out is:

This is just the beginning in getting your system clean.  You have to keep all you programs up to date and one way I do that is with Appsnap.  This little program keeps you programs up to date from Virus to Firewall.  I hope this helps people prevent and control spyware.

Podcasters are in up in arms over


[ad#digg-right]Podcasters and LifeCasters alike are not so happy with right now. They have started to introduce there own ads overlay to where the lifecaster or podcast involved doesn’t get any revenue. One such Podcast right now is Mike Smith, Host of the Miketechshow Podcast, and Also Todd Cochrane, Host of Geeknewscentral.  In a Recent post from Todd, he stated he is going to leave

[ad#ad2-right]Mike Smith in his last Podcast talked about this subject and why he is really unhappy with  He says that the ads could possible violate his TOS with Techpodcast Network.  He also would like to share the revenue because he was one of the founding podcasters that started to use   He’s worried that there will be adult theme ads showing on his video stream and that He wants this to be family friendly.  He’s said before the show if he has to he’ll go to other networks.   Some of the networks that might help him out: is the one Mike is having problems with but I tell you this in case someone is looking for streaming media platform.   These others I’ve checked out are decent and have there own look and feel.  Each one has its own personality and server capabilities.   So it will be a test on the next platform that Mike decides on!  I provide these to better help people make the right choice and also let people know about Not telling you about the ads. If you think they shouldn’t be doing this, talk about it and Blog about.

A good free VPN Client — OpenVPN & more

I’ve been doing some research on what might be good to use in case, I was away from my home network.  I was thinking how safe am I at Starbucks or other places that I might doing my web.  So I did a little looking around to see which one I liked and I came to the conclusions that only one I need right now is:


The nice thing about this was the simple installation of the software and how easy it was to set it up. This service is in beta but seems to be really well done with regards to the end users. When you install this software and want to connect it uses the OpenVPN software with there configurations. OpenVPN, is a open sourced SSL VPN solution and is free to use. The way this this free is of Ad Supported banners. Now it is cheaper than paying monthly for a VPN service. The ones I’ve found so far are these few:

  • OpenVPN (FREE)(*advertisement)(Linux, and Windows)
  • Always VPN (Prepay) (5 GB to 80 GB limit) (Linux, Mac and Windows)*Out of Beta
  • Hotspot Shield (FREE) (*advertisement) (Windows) (3 gig Cap)
  • WiTopia (40$/ Year) (Mac, Linux, and Windows)

[ad]There is of course others out that but these are just a few that I saw that looks like the cheapest there is.  Others I’ve seen cost 40 to 50 dollars a month.   If you have any other ones that are free or cheap let me know.  I don’t think we need to pay a lot just to have security on an open network. I’m certain that they’re more out there but will keep looking for more later on. I did my initial research and will come back and find more.

*Update Feb 8, 2009*

As of recent a friend emailed me saying telling me to check the site out again and I did.  Not sure when they went out of Beta because I’ve not been using Always VPN lately due to my Broadband Cricket Prepay Internet.  I just checked and yes they are charging here’s the break down:

  • 5GB – USD 8.50
  • 10GB – USD 15.00
  • 20GB – USD 26.00
  • 40GB – USD 33.00
  • 80GB – USD 47.00

So I must ask why they didn’t just keep the 5 GB limit with the Advertising, I do not know but  I did want to let people know that it is no longer free and no longer in Beta.  I went from Always to OpenVPN which still works despite the fact they are using Always VPN back client.   It’s open source so it will probably change to something else sooner or later.   If you see it changes let me know, I will update more when I find out more!!

AT&T smacks the gauntlet at you!


According to Cnet News:
The test, which began being applied in the Reno, Nev., area on Saturday, limits customers of AT&T’s slowest DSL service to 20 gigabytes of monthly data transfers, while users of the fastest service will be limited to 150 gigabytes. Customers will have access to an online tool to track their usage and will receive notification when they reach 80 percent. Those who exceed their limits will be charged $1 per gigabyte.

[Via Cnet News]

So you just received the information that AT&T is doing this. How do you want to keep track of your online usage. I’ve got some good tools to help you. Although they will only help to a certain point you must remember a few tips and these tips are:[ad#ad2-left]

With these steps you would greatly increase stoping unnecessary use of your bandwidth.  Most people don’t understand that any program you use on your network will be counted on the total bill.  If you know of any good ways to help stop bandwidth by all means tell people and if you find any good programs that might help, please leave a comment.